Translator, Electronic Translator – 119 languages



TwoWay Translator – a modern two-way translator

Now every conversation in a foreign language becomes simple and easy with TwoWay Translator. All you have to do is speak and the translator automatically translates your words and speaks the translation aloud in the selected language.

It’s the perfect solution for a variety of situations:

  • business trips abroad,
  • holiday travels,
  • foreign studies,
  • Self-learning a foreign language,
  • Shopping abroad.

The TwoWay translator focuses on efficiency, simplicity and ease of use. Thanks to two buttons – blue and red – operation is intuitive. This two-way translator can translate your words into a foreign language or translate statements in a foreign language into Polish.

Regardless of whether you are conducting business negotiations or establishing contact with people from different cultures, the TwoWay Translator will ensure smooth communication. Thanks to high-quality speech recognition and support for idioms and specialized vocabulary, you can be sure of an accurate translation.

The TwoWay translator is an indispensable travel tool. Equipped with a Polish menu, it allows for easy configuration and access to various settings. With its compact dimensions and lightweight design, you can take it anywhere to make sure you’re always ready to communicate in a foreign language.

Don’t waste any more time on difficult and uncertain translations. Choose TwoWay Translator and enjoy simple and effective communication in every situation.

Among other electronic translators, it is distinguished by the speed of work and small size, which makes it easy to use it in various circumstances.

Small dimensions and low weight combined with a reliable translation engine, which is characterized by speed and high efficiency, make this model of the translator an irreplaceable tool in every journey and international conversation.

Intuitive operation of the translator with two buttons allows even a child to use this model.

Advantages of Two-way Speech Translator:

  • simultaneous, two-way language translation,
  • 119 supported languages (including variations),
  • convenient, fast (even 0.3s) and easy to use,
  • translates complex phrases, everyday sentences and single words,
  • is characterized by high quality of speech recognition (up to 98% accuracy),
  • support for idioms and specialist vocabulary,
  • no separate SIM card required
  • no application installation required.


  • angielski (Australia, Filipiny, Irlandia, Kanada, Nowa Zelandia, Republika Południowej Afryki, Stany Zjednoczone, Wielka Brytania),
  • arabski (Algieria, Arabia Saudyjska, Egipt, Irak, Kuwejt, Liban, Maroko, Zjednoczone Emiraty Arabskie),
  • bengalski, birmański, bułgarski,
  • chiński (kantoński, tradycyjny, uproszczony), chorwacki, czeski,
  • duński,
  • fiński, francuski (Francja, Kanada),
  • grecki,
  • hebrajski, hindi, hiszpański (Argentyna, Boliwia, Chile, Ekwador, Gwatemala, Hiszpania, Honduras, Kolumbia, Kostaryka, Meksyk, Nikaragua, Panama, Paragwaj, Peru, Urugwaj), holenderski,
  • indonezyjski,
  • japoński, jawajski,
  • kataloński, khmerski (Kambodża), koreański,
  • laotian (Laos), litewski,
  • łacina (Serbia), łotewski,
  • malajski, mongolski,
  • nepalski, niemiecki, norweski,
  • perski (Iran), polski, portugalski (Brazylia, Portugalia),
  • rosyjski, rumuński,
  • słowacki, słoweński, suahili (Kenia), szwedzki,
  • tagalog (Filipiny), tajski, tamilski, turecki,
  • ukraiński, urdu,
  • węgierski, wietnamski, włoski.